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Taiwan's New Party chairman visits Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-04-14

A delegation of Taiwan's New Party, led by chairman Yok Mu-ming, visited the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone (PCPZ) in Fujian province on March 31.

It is Yok's third trip to Pingtan in the past half year, and less than two months after the last one.

Yok has been actively pushing for cross-Straits communication between young people and encouraging more young entrepreneurs from Taiwan to open businesses in Pingtan, which is dedicated to cross-Straits cooperation.

"Pingtan is completely qualified for training and communicating with young people from across the Taiwan Straits. I hope to bring more Taiwan youth here," he said.

Li Dejin, director of PCPZ's administration, pledged that Pingtan will try its best to create a sound business climate for Taiwan's young people and accommodate them better.

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