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Bullet train between Xiamen and Jiangxi to be opened in late 2015

( whatsonxiamen )

Updated: 2015-03-11

The Ganlong Double Track Railway is expected to complete its track laying construction, enter its adjustment stage in September, and be put into operation by the end of 2015, according to a recent report. The traveling time between Xiamen and Ganzhou is expected to be shortened to 2.5 hours after its opening.

Direct bullet trains from Xiamen to Changting and Shanghang in Fujian, and Ruijin and Ganzhou in Jiangxi are expected to be realized along the Longxia Railway and Ganlong Double Track Railway.

As an important part of the national railway network, the Ganlong Railway will start from Ganzhou, travel along Yudou, Huichang, Ruijin, Changting, Liancheng, Shanghang, and finally arrive in Longyan. It will stop at 8 stations including the Ganxian Station, the Yudou Station, the Xiajiang Station, the Ruijin Station, the South Changting Station, the Guanzhishan Station, the North Shanghang Station, and the Longyan Station.

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