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11th Xiamen Yuanxiao Folk Custom Cultural Festival held in Wuyuan Bay

( whatsonxiamen )

Updated: 2015-03-03

11th Xiamen Yuanxiao Folk Custom Cultural Festival held in Wuyuan Bay

A series of cultural events for the 11th Xiamen Yuanxiao Folk Custom Cultural Festival was held in China’s First Love Bay—Wuyuan Bay—on March 1st.

Yuanxiao are special food-glutinous rice dumplings in sweet soup which are eaten for the Lantern Festival. It is believed that Yuanxiao is named after a palace maid from the Han Dynasty. The Yuanxiao Festival, or Lantern Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

11th Xiamen Yuanxiao Folk Custom Cultural Festival held in Wuyuan Bay

A charity event entitled “Love-care Yuanxiao to a Thousand Families” was held, in which many needy families got gift packages and the organizing committee received donations of nearly 240,000 yuan.

Meanwhile, a glutinous rice dumpling making competition, a concert, a talent show, a lantern show and a micro-film exhibition was held for the festival.

The canola flowers are in full bloom in Wuyuan Bay, which covers about an area of 10,000 square meters.

How to get there:

Take bus No. 7, 49, 105, 118, 132, 134, 848, 940 or L18, and get off at Zhong Zhai Red Star Macalline stop (钟宅美凯龙站)

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