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Baishuiyang and Yuanyangxi to be rated as 5A scenic area

( www.chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2012-07-05

Baishuiyang and Yuanyangxi to be rated as 5A scenic area

Pingnan County held a conference on rating Baishuiyang and Yuanyangxi as a 5A scenic area on July 4. Officials from management committees, transportation, hygiene and propaganda departments attended the conference.

Pingnan has been striving to establish a 5A scenic area. Baishuiyang and Yuanyangxi may become the fifth 5A scenic area in Fujian Province and the first in Ningde City. Lin Gongmiao, Party Secretary of Pingnan county, stressed that all the departments should cooperate to eliminate bad practices in the scenic area in a short period, such as rip-offs and traffic accidents, and pay great attention to tourists.

Preparation work will include the creation of a 5A themed atmosphere, appropriate promotions and guaranteed service to the environment in the scenic area, such as traffic calming, car parking, clean surroundings and health care.

Staff in the scenic area, especially tour guides, should upgrade their level of service by eliminating rip-offs.

Pingnan should pay greater attention to marketing to attract more tourists from Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces and Taiwan Island by taking the opportunities afforded by the Ningde-Wuyi Mountain Highway, and make Baishuiyang and Yuanyangxi known to more people to deserve recognition as a 5A brand.

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