The author conducted comparative research on the economic bubble of various foreign economies, the direction of China's economic bubble, and local debt problems, and offers measures to avoid and dissolve economic bubbles in China and also ways to deal with government hidden debt based on the experience of other countries.
The authors use various charts and data to analyze four major problems in the field of current income distribution.The authors suggest that the country should aim to improve its market economic system and speed up the transformation of government functions.
This book explores the policy choices and institutional framework for the agricultural subsidies in the middle stage of China's industrialization which aim to secure the supply of major agricultural products and to increase the incomes of farmers.
The authors of this book carried out comprehensive research on the theories and policies concerning the citizenization of migrant workers.
China is an emerging market in the middle and late stage of industrialization. Its economic and social development has faced serious environmental and resource constraints for a long time.
The book analyzes six strategic opportunities brought by the global financial crisis for China's opening-up and provides suggestions to realize the opportunities.
The book does a thorough analysis of the possible macroscopic and microscopic interests related to RMB regionalization and the potential risks in the process.
The Internet is the greatest invention of the 20th century and has penetrated into political, social, economic and cultural fields.On the other hand, it has become a hotbed for network security issues, malicious information and online crime.