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Promote Technological Innovation and Enhance the Level of China's High-speed Railway Communication(Special Issues, No 72, 2015)


Railway is the backbone of the national integrated transport system and the major artery of the national economy, among which high-speed railway is the most dynamic and promising driver, and it plays a very significant role in national economy.

E-Government and the Modernization of State Governance (No 152, 2015)


As a new management model based on information technology, e-government is essential in speeding up government function transformation.

Analysis of the Mechanism to Promote the Development of Service Sector through Informatization (No 132, 2015)


Since 1960s, informatization has been fueling the transformation of global industrial structure from "industrial economy" to "service economy".

IT Application Promotes China's Economic Transformation and Upgrading (No 128, 2015)


The new information technology revolution progress is advancing further.

Think tank development experience in Australia and implications for China (No 186, 2014)


Government's internal decision-making consultation system and non-governmental think tanks.

China's green economic development measure and policy interpretation


To explore the influences on China's green economy in different regions, this study used a green economic development measure index system.

Merge of networks and supervision system on broadcasting and television


The broadcast and television network shares with the telecommunication networks many technical and economic characters.

Relaxing control in expense and promoting competition in telecommunication industry


An initial competitive market structure in telecommunication industry in China is now in shape, but the reform in the supervision and management is lagging behind.