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DRC holds opening ceremony of 2020 English Training Program


Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), met with Yang Dan, President of Beijing Foreign Studies University, on Sept 17.

DRC holds opening ceremony of 2020 English Training Program

Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of DRC, meets with Yang Dan, President of Beijing Foreign Studies University on Sept 17. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

They exchanged views on DRC’s "Foreign Language Proficiency Improvement Plan" 2020 English training program, and on expanding their cooperation.

Yu Bin, Member of the Leading Party Members’ Group of DRC, and Yang delivered speeches and put forward learning requirements.

DRC holds opening ceremony of 2020 English Training Program

The opening ceremony of DRC 2020 English Training Program is held on Sept 17. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

Student representatives Zhang Yunhua and Zhao Junchao gave speeches. Tao Pingsheng, Director of the International Cooperation Department of DRC, chaired the event. All students of the intermediate and advanced training courses attended the opening ceremony.

DRC holds opening ceremony of 2020 English Training Program

The opening ceremony of DRC 2020 English Training Program is held on Sept 17. [photo/drc.gov.cn]