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Vice President Hou Yunchun visits Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore


On July 4-15, a DRC delegation led by Vice President Hou Yunchun visited Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore at the invitation of Temasek Holdings. During their visits in Indonesia, the delegation held meetings with Ministry of SME Development, Bank of Danamon and Bank of BRI to understand the situation in the SME development in the country and relevant supportive policies. The delegation also visited the factories financed by SME credits, and the financial service network for micro companies. During their visit in Malaysia, the delegation had meetings with the United Bank of Malaysia to understand the country’s policies supporting the SMEs and the situation in financial services. In Singapore, the delegation visited the head office of Temasek Holdings, the Department for the Development of International Enterprises, Housing Department and other government organizations and deepened their understanding of the financing model for SMEs and the supportive policies for SMEs in the country. They also learned the situation in the housing construction and operations.