'Top 10' cases in Jiangsu named as patents, plant varieties flourish2012-05-16

East China's Jiangsu province unveiled its top 10 intellectual property investigations in 2011 at a press conference in Shanghai at the end of last month.

SIPO: Efforts continue to strengthen IP protection2012-05-16

China will establish a better environment to protect intellectual property rights as it continues to battle infringements, a senior official from State Intellectual Property Office said at a recent meeting.

IP Scene (2012-5-16)2012-05-16

Intellectual property protection news around the nation.

News Corp buys stake of Chinese film firm2012-05-15

Beijing-based Bona Film Group announced Tuesday that News Corporation has signed an agreement to buy 19.9 percent of its stake.

IP Scene (2012-5-9)2012-05-09

Intellectual property protection news around the nation.

SIPO open house: Students urged to value creativity2012-05-09

"intellectual property is increasingly becoming a strategic resource for a nation's development and a core element for international competition".

Apple, Proview computing iPad trademark settlement?2012-05-09

International electronics giant Apple Inc and financially troubled Chinese computer display maker Shenzhen Proview Technology may be reaching a settlement.

IP Scene (2012-4-25)2012-04-25

Intellectual property protection news around the nation.

Yao standing tall to defend name rights2012-04-25

"My name is a symbol of all the painstaking efforts I have made and all the injuries I have suffered over all these years,"

Week of awareness2012-04-25

China-US intellectual property working group meeting

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services