Deficiencies and improvements of the scheme of secured loans against copyright – the case of cinematographic works2013-12-25

Nname:Chen Rui

Title:Graudate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science

Policies, changes and responses —discussion on the third amendment of China’s Trademark Law2013-11-15

Name: Celia Y. Li, Tai Guo

Title:Partner Attorney at law at Kangxin Partners,P.C;Attorney at law Australia Attorney at Law at Kangxin Partners,P.C

Preemptive trademark registration of cartoon characters -Legal protection on foreign cartoon character licensing in China2013-11-15

Name:Xie Lijia,Xu Weikang

Title:Beijing Yingke Law Offices(Shanghai)

Statutory comparison of examinations of utility defects and of invention patent2013-09-09

Name:Lin Bin,Yu Feng

Title:Examiners at Examination Cooperation Center of the Patent Office,SIPO,Beijing

Examining points in telecommunications for invention patent applications relating to biling systems2013-09-09

Name:Liu Shen,Yang Weiming

Title:Examiners at Patent Examination Cooperation Center Patent Office,SIPO,Beijing

Protecting unregistered trademarks from preemptive registration in China - protection under article 31 of the trademark law2013-09-09

Name:Meph Jia Gui

Title:Global Law Office Arbitrator at World Intellectual Property Organization

Some thoughts on the double patenting exception and the equitable estoppel2013-07-16

Name:Wang Yigang,Fan Li

Title:Examiner for Substantive Examination at Patent Examination Cooperation Center of the Patent Office,SIPO,Beijing

Liabilities of group buying sites in trademark infringement cases2013-07-16

Group buying has achieved rapid development after entering the Chinese, market. Though fierce competitions led to the integration and reorganization among thousands of group buying sites, the transaction volume of group buying still reached 21.632 billion yuan in 2011, according to the 2011 Annual Report on Network Group Buying Industry in China.

Reanalysis of Limitations and Exceptions to the Right of Network Dissemination of Information under Local Area Network Environment2012-12-25

Name:Ma Yunpeng
Title:Judge of the 5th Dividion of the Civil Court of Beijing Second Intermediate People’s Court;Principal Public Procurator of Wolong District Procuratorate, Nanyang City, Henan Province

In this case, Beijing Forbidden City Film Co., Ltd.

Strategic patent protection in the "New World" after the America Invents Act2012-12-25

Name:Ha Kung Wong, Yuanheng Wang
Title:Partner and Associate of FITZPATRICK, CELLA, HAPPER & SCINTO

Generally speaking, it can at times be difficult to change the status quo through the American legislative system.

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services