IP scene
(China Daily)
Updated: 2016-02-03


Kang Kang products hit online store shelves

Stuffed toys of Kang Kang, the red and green colored monkey and mascot for China Central Television's 2016 Spring Festival Gala, is available on online shopping portals. Other products using the image of Kang Kang include T-shirts, masks and key chains. CCTV is the owner of the mascot's copyright and said it has yet to license the copyright to companies. All products with the mascot's likeness are counterfeits.


Kang Kang, mascot of the 2016 CCTV Spring Festival gala

IPR textbooks to be issued before fall semester

Textbooks for Beijing's primary and middle school students about the protection of intellectual property rights, currently being developed by the city's IP authorities and educators, will be unveiled before the fall semester, said Wang Ying, head of the IP office in Haidian district. She said the textbooks will help students increase their awareness of IPR and will teach them how technologies become products.



Province tops nation in Madrid system trademarks

Local companies and individuals applied for 980 international trademarks through the Madrid system for the international registration of marks last year, doubling the total from 2010 and topping the nation for the second consecutive year. The province owned 1,040 international trademarks through the Madrid system by the end of 2015. The system provides international registration of trademarks through a single application across multiple countries.



Gansu province teams with Guangdong on IP trade

The Gansu provincial IP office signed a partnership framework with the Guangdong provincial IP office last week in Lanzhou. The two sides said the Belt and Road Initiative opens Gansu to myriad development opportunities and that Guangdong is a key IP hub in China. According to the framework, Guangdong will help Gansu build its IP trade platform and establish cooperation in the enforcement of IPR laws. Guangdong companies, in turn, are encouraged to open offices in Gansu.



Karaoke operators start copyright fees for music

Sixteen karaoke operators in Shiyan began charging copyright fees for music on Feb 1. Customers will pay 2 yuan (30 cents) in fees for each hour per room, with a ceiling of 6 yuan. The fees were first implemented by 16 operators in the city's urban areas and will next be carried out in the province's counties.



Taiwan writer sets up $760k originality fund

Taiwan writer Chiung Yao donated 5 million yuan ($760,000) to establish a fund in Shanghai on Wednesday to encourage young people to be original and create an honest social environment. The donation is from the financial compensation shew on from a lawsuit in December against mainland screenplay writer Yu Zheng and four companies. Chiung said Yu had plagiarized her novel Plum Blossom Scar for his screenplay for the TV drama The Palace: The Lost Daughter.



City establishes annual innovation, patent awards

The Anshan government launched its first patent award to honor local individuals and organizations for their contributions to innovation or the commercialization of patents. The top prize in the annual awards will be 300,000 yuan ($45,600). The government will also give 300,000 yuan to each local project that haswon a national patent gold award and 100,000 yuan to each project that wins a national patent excellence award.


The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services