IP scene - Jan 13
(China Daily)
Updated: 2016-01-13


Film company merges with gaming giant

Chinese movie and TV drama producer Perfect World Pictures announced last week that it has acquired online gaming giant Perfect World for 12 billion yuan ($1.8 billion). Industry insiders said the merger will allow the two companies to better integrate intellectual property resources in their fields to develop new products and expand market shares globally. Perfect World Pictures was part of Perfect World until it was spun off in 2011.

China Daily


Nod gives city total of 29 patent agencies

The State Intellectual Property Office gave approval to two new patent agencies in Qingdao, bringing the total number to 29 in the city. Qingdao now leads the province in the number of patent agencies thanks to the local government's efforts in developing patent services as an important tool to promote mass innovation and entrepreneurship. Since 2012, Qingdao has added 20 patent agencies, including eight approved last year.

Qingdao Daily


Botanists gain US patent for fruit agent

The South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was granted a US patent last week for an agent that keeps citrus fruits fresh. Researchers said the agent can delay the decomposition of citrus fruits and prolong storage times. In an experiment, less than 10 percent of oranges went rotten after they were treated with the agent and stored at a temperature of 15 to 25 C for 45 days, while 60 percent spoiled in the control group.

China Science Daily


Tougher provincial IP law takes effect

The province's new patent regulation took effect on Jan 1 to promote the application of industrial patents and provide stricter IP protection. The law covers the creation, application, protection and management of patents and services related to patents. The previous regulation focused on patent protection and management. The new law also lays out the responsibilities and procedures for online and TV shopping platforms to deal with patent infringement and counterfeits in the e-commerce sector.

Wenling Daily


Region sees record number of cases

The province handled 1,346 patent cases last year, a new record and a rise of 74.4 percent from 2014. They included 1,300 counterfeit patent cases, up 76.9 percent year-on-year, and 46 patent infringements, up 24.3 percent. Measures the province took to promote patent protection in 2015 included hosting meetings to exchange law enforcement experiences, strengthening law enforcement cooperation among authorities at provincial, city and county levels, and establishing a law enforcement supervision and examination system.


(China Daily 01/13/2016 page17)

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services

Recommendation of Global IP Service Agencies with Chinese Business