IP Scene (2014-08-14)
(China Daily)
Updated: 2014-08-13


Official: Need for IP management

An official from Zhengzhou's culture and media administration called for an improved registration system as well as integrated copyright, trademark and patent management during a forum on corporate IP management in the creative industry held in the provincial capital last week. More than 70 people from local governments, companies and law firms attended the event.



Company-run western trade center

A local company-operated West China national copyright trade center was recently approved by the National Copyright Administration as the only national-level copyright trade agency in the western region and the nation's first for film and TV drama copyrights. It will provide services for a wide range of businesses including music, movies, animation, designs and software, and help in academic research and market surveys.



Prison term for fake-brand wine

An online wine seller surnamed Qian was recently sentenced to three years in prison and fined 40,000 yuan ($6,498) for selling fake branded wine. Police said Qian bought local wine for 15 yuan a bottle and stickers for famed foreign brands from a Yantai supplier in Shandong province. Qian said he began a legitimate business selling real imported wine in 2012, but after making little profit turned to counterfeits.


Auction of smartphone content

China's first auction of online literature and game copyrights was held in Shanghai in early August with the highest bid reaching 8.1 million yuan. Game copyrights auctioned at the event were all for use on smartphones as the connection between online literature and games is growing, said industry observers. Surveys show some 79 percent of online literature readers are drawn to mobile games, while 59 percent of readers have paid for online games.



Protecting cultural heritage

A seminar on intangible cultural heritage in Linxiang city on Aug 6 attracted government officials and performers of traditional local dramas popular in Hunan and neighboring Jiangxi and Hubei provinces. Delegates exchanged experiences in how to protect dramas and promote traditional culture. Artists then performed in the evening.



Training for patent agencies

More than 60 representatives of local companies and patent agencies joined a recent training program in the provincial capital Lanzhou. Organized by the State Intellectual Property Office, the event was designed to help foster more and improved professionals at patent agencies. Only three patent agencies with 29 practitioners are working in the northwestern province, a "marked difference" between the market demand and IP professionals, industry insiders said.



Circuit court for furniture disputes

The Intermediate People's Court in Dongguan started an IP circuit court last Wednesday in the furniture manufacturing center of Houjie township. The court will mainly deal with furniture design patent disputes among local companies, with plans to reduce the processing time for each case from half a year to one or two months. The court's first case was heard on the same day.



Festival promotes domestic brands

The provincial capital Guiyang hosted the eighth China Brand Festival last Friday with delegations from 34 provinces and cities. More than 1,000 entrepreneurs and representatives from companies and chambers of commerce discussed better approaches to developing China's home-grown brands. The annual event organized by the Guizhou Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Guiyang municipal government had "integration and rise" as its theme this year.


(China Daily 08/13/2014 page17)

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