"星光大道" (Walk of Fame) as an entertainment show on CCTV-3 is widely known by audiences across China. CCTV found that one Film & TV production company registered "星光大道" as their trademark and then filed an administrative lawsuit against the Trademark Appeal Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, aiming to get the trademark back.
Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court rejected CCTV's appeal on the grounds that the company registered the trademark before the show was on the screen.
In July 2003, Beijing Xingguangdadao Film & TV Production Co., Ltd. filed an application for the trademark "星光大道." After the trademark was preliminarily approved, CCTV filed an opposition against the trademark. After investigation, the Trademark Appeal Board dismissed the objection. CCTV did not accept the decision and applied for reconsideration which was later rejected again. Eventually, CCTV brought the Board to court. And finally, the court rendered its sentence that rejected the prior art claimed by CCTV, ultimately concluding it did not hold water.