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What are the basic policies for the state to promote education?

(english.legalinfo.gov.cn) Updated : 2017-06-16

Paragraphs 1-4 of Article 19 provide that: “The state undertakes the development of socialist education and works to raise the scientific and cultural level of the whole nation. The state establishes and administers schools of various types, universalizes compulsory primary education and promotes secondary, vocational and higher education as well as preschool education. The state develops educational facilities in order to eliminate illiteracy and provide political, scientific, technical and professional education as well as general education for workers, peasants, state functionaries and other working people. It encourages people to become educated through independent study. The state encourages the collective economic organizations, state enterprises and institutions and other sectors of society to establish educational institutions of various types in accordance with the law.” These provisions clearly indicate the basic policy for the state to develop education.

China has preliminarily established a socialist educational and legal system taking special education law and administrative regulations as the backbone, supplemented by the education regulations and local laws and regulations with Chinese characteristics. Laws which have been promulgated and come into effect are "Education Law", "Compulsory Education Law", "Vocation Education Law", "Higher Education Law", "Non-state Education Promotion Law", "Teachers Law", "Regulations on Academic Degrees" and so on.
