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Copyright law

Updated : 2015-06-09

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Article 10 of Copyright Law specifically rules that:

(1) Right of publication, that is, the right to decide whether to make a work available to the public;

(2) Right of authorship, that is, the right to claim authorship and to have the author's name indicated on his works;

(3) Right of alternation, that is, the right to alter or authorize others to alter one's work;

(4) Right of integrity, that is, the right to protect one's work against distortion and mutilation;

(5) Right of reproduction, i.e. the right to reproduce one or more copies of a work by virtue of such a method as printing, photocopying, copying, sound recording, visual recording, sound duplicating or visual duplicating;

(6) Right of distribution, i.e. the right to present the original or copy of a work to the public by virtue of sale or donation;

(7) Right of lease, i.e. the right to license another person, on payment of a sum of money, temporarily to use a cinematographic work, a work created by virtue of the analogous method of film production or computer software, except where the computer software is not the key object of lease;

(8) Right of exhibition, i.e. the right to display in public the original or copy of a painting or photographic work;

(9) Right of performance, i.e. the right to perform in public a work or to broadcast in public the performance of a work by virtue of any means;

(10) Right of show, i.e. the right to show, by virtue of such a technical equipment as film or slide projector, a painting, photographic or cinematographic work or a work created by virtue of the analogous method of film production;

(11) Right of broadcast, i.e. the right to broadcast or disseminate in public a work in the wireless form or to disseminate a broadcast work to the public in the form of cable dissemination or relay or by megaphone or other similar means for transmitting symbols, sounds or images;

(12) Right of information network dissemination, i.e. the right to present a work to the public in the cable or wireless form for members of the public to get the work at the time and site selected on their own;

(13) Right of production, i.e. the right to fix a work on any medium by virtue of the method or analogous method of film production;

(14) Right of adaptation, i.e. the right to adapt a work for creating a new work of originality;

(15) Right of translation, i.e. the right to translate a work from a language to another;

(16) Right of compilation, i.e. the right to compile works or parts of works into a new work through selection or arrangement;

(17) Other rights that shall be enjoyed by copyright holders.

The first four items of the above rights are personal rights, while the rests are property rights. This categorization is made for the reason that personal right, which has personal attribute, is nontransferable and exclusive to the copyright holder, while the property rights, which are provided by items 5-17, may be transferred partly or wholly by the copyright holders for loyalties according to the agreements made or the relevant provisions of this law.
