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Wenjiang's four linpan scenic spots receive 'A' grade

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2019-01-25

In the latest evaluation of Chengdu's linpan scenic spots, four scenic spots from Wenjiang district were graded as A-class scenic spots.

A linpan is a special settlement in the Chengdu Plain that includes farmhouses, farmlands and a surrounding natural environment, and combines agricultural production, rural life and landscapes.

Three out of the four linpan scenic spots were evaluated as AAA class scenic spots, including Meigui Yard in Yongning town, Crape Myrtle Park in Hesheng town, and Yuanxiang Helin in Wanchun town. Gengzhe Club in Wanchun town was evaluated as AA class.

The evaluation of linpan scenic spots is expected to promote the even development of rural and urban areas, as well as help tourists decide where to travel.

Wenjiang's four linpan scenic spots receive 'A' grade
A linpan settlement in Wanchun town. [Photo/xinhuanet.com]

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