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Power-walking event held in Tianfu sub-district

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2019-01-18

Wenjiang's Tianfu sub-district recently held a power-walking event at Lujia Beach in Beiling Greenway. It attracted numerous participants.

The event was divided into three levels, requiring participants to answer questions related to Party building, community governance, daily safety precautions, etc.

Power-walking event held in Tianfu sub-district
People take part in the power-walking event. [Photo/cri.cn]

First, second and third place prizes were given during the event. According to one participant, the event gave people a chance to learn and exercise at the same time.

A Tianfu sub-district government employee said that the event provided an opportunity for exercise while also building a cultural atmosphere, which helped attract participants. It also helped spread awareness of environmental protection, the importance of staying healthy and safety consciousness.

Power-walking event held in Tianfu sub-district
Winners of the event pose for a group photo. [Photo/cri.cn]

Power-walking event held in Tianfu sub-district
Participants of the power-walking event pose for a group photo. [Photo/cri.cn]

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