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8th China Equestrian Festival to be held in Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-10-23

The 2018 China Equestrian Festival (CEF) will run from Nov 9 to 11 in the Wenjiang district of Chengdu, Sichuan province. The Wenjiang Jinma Equestrian Sports Park will continue to be the main venue for the festival.

The final of the 2018 China Horse Racing Grand Prix is planned to coincide with the opening ceremony of the 2018 CEF on the afternoon of Nov 11, and the Hong Kong Jockey Club will continue to provide technical support to the finals.

Equestrian enthusiasts can also enjoy the Sichuan Equestrian League (Finals) on Nov 9 and the National Equestrian Dressage Games from Nov 10 to 11. More than 130 riders with over 200 horses will compete in the annual events for total awards of 1.8 million yuan ($259,351).

This year's CEF involves special activities such as an electronic music party, a rider's club, and a summit forum.

According to a CEF official, high-level riders and horses have professionalized the races and brought more wonderful moments. Regulated by the China Equestrian Association, the quality of national equestrian events has generally improved.

In the future, more international, professional equestrian events will hopefully emerge in China and possibly take place in Wenjiang, which has been the host of the Sichuan Equestrian League, China Equestrian Festival, Chengdu Dubai International Cup Meydan Classic and many other famous equestrian events.

As the China Equestrian Festival is the country's first nationwide comprehensive equestrian gala, the Chinese Equestrian Association, focused on improving the quality and influence of the event, is sure to create an outstanding festival for the public.

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