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Achievements of rural schools exhibited in Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-10-08

An exhibition of achievements from children's palaces of 15 rural schools was held in Wenjiang district, Chengdu on Sept 28, drawing 2,000 teachers and students.

Students from rural areas showed their talent and brought exquisite handcrafts of ceramic paintings, clay shoes, traditional Chinese paintings, paper crafts and so on.

Hesheng Primary School's women's soccer team, which just won third place at an international youth football championship this August, showed off their soccer skills at the exhibition.

Achievements of rural schools exhibited in Wenjiang
Ceramic paintings created by children from rural schools. [Photo/youth.cn]

In addition, the calligraphy works written by the fourth grade students from Tashui School in ancient styles attracted the attention of the visitors. As calligraphy beginners, the students showed great enthusiasm and desire to become artists in the future.

Other performances included dancing, singing, martial arts and cheerleading. Judges selected two first prizes, four second prizes, six third prizes and three prizes for the best organization according to the performances.

Currently Wenjiang has six children's palaces of rural schools supported by public welfare fund from lottery and nine self-built children's palaces equipped with over 300 tutors, which can meet the activity need of over 190,000 adolescents in rural areas.

Achievements of rural schools exhibited in Wenjiang
Four students practice calligraphy at the exhibition. [Photo/youth.cn]

Achievements of rural schools exhibited in Wenjiang
Clay shoes created by students. [Photo/youth.cn]

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