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Wenjiang exhibits calligraphy to facilitate friendship between China and South Korea

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-09-25

Sichuan Calligraphers Association and its South Korean counterpart jointly held the 2017 Sino-Korea Calligraphy Exhibition at Wenjiang district's art gallery on Sept 23.

Scheduled to last until Oct 20, the exhibition has curated more than 100 pieces of work by Chinese and South Korean calligraphers, attracting numerous visitors.

"Calligraphy provides a bridge for people of the two countries to learn from each other," said He Yinghui, president of the Sichuan Calligraphers Association, at the opening ceremony.

Since 2011, the exhibition,jointly hosted by Sichuan and South Korean calligraphers associations, has been held four times. The two sides expect to hold more such events to further strengthen the cultural exchanges and friendship between China and South Korea.

Wenjiang exhibits calligraphy to facilitate friendship between China and South Korea

The 2017 China-South Korea Calligraphy Exhibition is held at Wenjiang district’s art gallery on Sept 23. [Photo/china.com.cn]

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