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Roads to be closed for half marathon in Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-09-21

The first Chengdu Wenjiang International Half Marathon is set to hit the road on Sept 25, and the government has released a notice to drivers warning them that some of those roads may be closed on the day.

From 6:00 am to 12:00 am on the day of the race, roads such as Wenyu road and Shentai road will be closed to all vehicles not authorized.

Runners will set off to the starter's pistol from Wenjiang's iconic Guose Tianxing Sky Wheel, and pass through many landmark areas of the city, such as the parasol covered Wenjiang Ecological Road, before crossing the finish line back at the Ferris wheel.

Some 10,000 runners from home and abroad are expected to take part in the year's race.

Edited by Owen Fishwick

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