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Wenjiang to host Sichuan self-driving tourism conference

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-12-11

The First Sichuan Self-Driving Tourism Development Conference will be held in Wenjiang in Sichuan’s Chengdu city on Dec 18-19.

The conference is initiated by Sichuan Tourism Association and Chengdu tourism bureau and supported by Sichuan Camping and Self-Driving Association and Wenjiang government. It is aimed at creating new types of tourism options and exploring further consumer potential in tourism field and improving camping and self-driving tourism.

More than 400 representatives in the field will attend the conference, including officials from provincial tourism bureaus across China, directors of well-known self-driving travel associations, owners of travel agencies and investors for outdoor activities.

Wenjiang district was selected to host the conference because it is the front runner in Sichuan’s self-driving tourism. It has established three well-equipped self-driving tour camps in Jinma town, Shou’an town and Baicui village. Wenjiang also offers themed self-driving itineraries for tourists, such as spring flowers and local dishes tours.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Mevlut Katik

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