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Chengdu seizes smuggled frozen meat

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-07-10

Nearly 30 tons of smuggled frozen meat has been seized in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province since the city begun to reinforce new measures in the frozen food market starting from April 2015.

Chengdu’s food and drug administration officials regularly examine frozen meat, especially the imported products, in all markets in the city.

Recently, officials seized illegal frozen beef and chicken wings valued at 340,000 yuan ($54,700) in a transport vehicle heading from Yunnan province to Chengdu Yinli market.

Further investigations revealed that the seized meat was smuggled from India and had no import permits, purchase invoice or declaration formalities. Even pork DNA was found in some seized frozen beef.

The smuggled meat has been confiscated by the local food safety watchdog, with people involved in the case awaiting the court verdict.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Mevlut Katik

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