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4-nation basketball tournament comes to an end

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-15

The 2014 Four-Nation Men's Basketball Tournament took place on Thursday at Wenjiang Stadium in Chengdu, Sichuan province. The first game was between Sichuan Jinqiang team and the French national Olympic team. It was a close game where the competition was fierce. Finally the French team won narrowly with a score of 78 to 76.

On the Saturday evening, the Jinqiang team and Italian national Olympic team battled in the last game of the tournament. Although playing well at the start, Jinqiang was defeated by the Italians because of a decline in physical strength. Yet the audiences were still inspired by the great performance of both teams.

Sichuan Jinqiang team will go to the US on Wednesday to have a 3-week closed training session to improve their physical strength, according to Geng Jie, the general manager of the team.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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