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4-nation basketball tournament held in Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-07

A "four-nation men's basketball tournament" will take place at Wenjiang Stadium in Chengdu, Sichuan province, from Thursday to Saturday. National Olympic teams from France, Slovenia, and Italy, and the Sichuan Jinqiang team will take part.

Sichuan Jinqiang Blue Whale basketball club will assemble a brand new team for the event. During the tournament, in addition to some stars from CBA such as Chen Xiaodong, He Xiaobin, and Lv Xiaoming, the core strength of China's Olympic team such as Yu Shulong and Xu Tao will also show their skills. Sichuan Jinqiang team is treating the event as a warm-up for the coming CBA season in November.

Two games will take place every evening over the three days of the tournament.


By Shi Zihan and edited by Nelly Min

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