In recent years, Hsin Chong’s achievement and enterprise strength have been recognized more and more by the outside world. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2012, its Synergis Holdings Ltd has achieved more than 50 awards and certifications, among which are Award for Outstanding Facilities Management, Top 10 Best Employers in Asia, The Best Employer in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Quality Circle Award, 2009 Best Management Training Silver Award of the Hong Kong Management Association, 2010 Best Practice Award, 2010 Best Management Training Merit Award, HKQAA-HSBC CSR Advocate Mark, and Heart to Heart Company. All of these are awards and certifications respected in the industry.
Hsin Chong cares for the environment and supports the fight against global warming. It will continue to develop and improve the environmental management system so as to reduce consumption and increase efficiency. At present, Hsin Chong’s corporate environmental management system has been certified to meet ISO 14001 International Standards; the group is committed to decreasing its negative influence on the environment and further promoting its standard through continuous improvement.
Wang Yingwei, Hong Kong representative of the 9th National People’s Congress, is now holding several social positions, including vice chairman of the Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong, vice president of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, a member of the board of trustees of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, etc. Additionally, Wang was awarded the title of Honorary Resident by the Xiamen municipal government in Fujian province.