Daily Overview for May 17,2008
Updated: 2008-05-17 01:01

Aries March 21 - April 19
Someone who is unusually introverted will come out of their shell -- join them.
You've got some serious stuff to ponder today, though at least some of it is a bit beyond your understanding. Don't worry about that -- it just means that you've got some mystery left in your life!
Taurus April 20 - May 20
Looking for something to be passionate about in your life? Ask all your friends.
You're feeling pretty amazing today, though it could be that your good mood sours if someone says the wrong thing or you get some bad news. That intensity can work to your advantage!
Gemini May 21 - June 21
How's your health doing? Take stock of your physical and emotional states.
You're feeling the urge to do good in the world -- and there's a lot that needs doing! You may want to drag a friend along with you, because altruism always goes better with good company!