Demi Moore easts apples with peanut butter while Cindy Crawford sips vinegar before dinner
So what are Hollywood's hottest diet tips? Here's the A to Z of all you need to know...
A IS FOR ASPARAGUS: Celebrities live on it. It's a natural diuretic, it diminishes bloating and is on every Hollywood insider's must-eat list. Actor Owen Wilson never misses his daily double dose of asparagus and parsley.
B IS FOR BRUSH YOUR TEETH: After eating, young starlets rush to the bathroom; not to throw up but to brush up.
The craze was begun by a nutritionist who advised her famous young client that the best way to maintain her mere 15 per cent body fat was to use a toothbrush after every meal.
Nutritionists say it works because the new taste in your mouth signals to your brain that you are full.
Hollywood hunk Matthew McConaughey carries his toothbrush with him to restaurants.
. . . and BENEFIBER: This powdery fibre substance is flavourless but it packs a punch. Celebrities put it in their coffee or sprinkle it on their salads as it helps move food through you system more quickly. Available at Boots, from £2.99.
... and BLUE PLATES: Why? Blue is the least appetising colour for human beings and studies show when you eat from a blue plate you eat less.
C IS FOR FOR COOKIE: The Cookie Diet, followed by celebs such as singer Kelly Clarkson and Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson, advocates "eat a cookie, skip a meal".
Eat up to four biscuits a day in place of breakfast and lunch. Have a healthy dinner (600-900 calories) and you will lose weight. The diet works as it's based on calorie restriction. See www. hollywoodcookiediet.com.
. . . and CINNAMON: In Chinese medicine cinnamon is one of the herbs most widely used to aid circulation and digestion.
There is evidence that it can lower levels of cholesterol and blood sugar, and relieves gas. Celebrities often sprinkle some in their tea.