Indian kids to get sex, drugs lessons: report

Updated: 2006-10-16 13:51

NEW DELHI- Schools in conservative India will teach children as young as five years old about sexual health and drugs from next year to boost awareness of the dangers they face in a changing society, a newspaper reported on Wednesday.

India's national examination board is set to introduce a new program teaching pupils at kindergartens and schools about drug and sexual abuse, HIV/ AIDS, hygiene and nutrition, the Times of India daily reported.

"Topics related to sexual changes at puberty, substance abuse, myths concerning the reproductive growth of a child and sexually transmitted diseases will be part of the curriculum," Usha Ram, a school principal involved in developing the program said.

Conservative attitudes to sex and contraception and a lack of awareness is common, especially in rural India.

Experts say this has not only left adolescents vulnerable to abuse but has also exacerbated the spread of HIV/AIDS in the country, which now has the highest number of cases in the world.

According to the United Nations, 5.7 million Indians are living with the virus. But activists say the true figure may be far higher as social stigma forces many of those infected with the virus to keep their status a secret.