Half a century of Jin

Updated: 2012-02-10 14:10

(China Daily)

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Half a century of Jin

A retrospective oil painting show, Research Exhibition of Jin Shangyi and Chinese Oil Painting, held at Guancheng Art Museum, features 45 artworks from Jin Shangyi and eight other works from students such as Yang Feiyun and Chao Ge.

The exhibition traces Jin's career of more than 50 years, from his first oil portrait in 1954 to his most recent work in 2011. Many of the works are being shown for the first time.

9:30 am to 5 pm, daily except Mondays, until Feb 29. Guancheng Art Museum, 1 Gaodijie, Guancheng district, Dongguan, Guangdong province. 0769-2210-0151.