Beauty goes ugly for new comedy

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-05-06 10:56
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Beauty goes ugly for new comedy

Taiwan actress/model Lin Chiling (pictured), known for her beauty and elegance, has a surprisingly ugly look in Welcome to Shama Town, a comedy that will be released this summer.

Lin plays a rural woman with dark skin, shaggy short hair and yellow teeth in the film, which is a treasure-hunt comedy.

Leading actor Sun Honglei told a press conference on April 28 that at first he could not believe Lin would agree to the makeup, especially the teeth part. He really appreciated Lin's professionalism, he said.

But the most impressive look, all the cast agreed, was that of Sun, who wears a soldier's coat, adidas shoes and silk socks. A style that could well become the fashion trend next season, Sun joked.

The film, which also stars rising actress Gan Wei, was directed by Li Weiran, a young director known for his creative TV commercials.