Daily Overview for February 27

Updated: 2010-02-26 22:00
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Daily Overview for February 27

You can make just about anything work -- one chocolate chip becomes a dozen cookies!

Think really big -- and really outrageous -- today. You need to show off your style in an ostentatious way, and those around you need to know exactly what you stand for. Things are great!

Daily Overview for February 27 

Details, schmetails. Right? Wrong! It's all about the details, especially today.

Try to push yourself toward something really big -- your amazing energy has a thirst for glory that must be indulged! You may find success in almost any aspect of your life, so go for it.

Daily Overview for February 27 

Someone's not telling the whole truth about their motivations. Dig deep for answers.

You need to get organized -- which usually isn't all that tough for you. Today, though, you should find that your energy is at cross-purposes with your needs, so just try to do your best.