Daily Overview for January 12

Updated: 2010-01-11 16:57
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 Daily Overview for January 12

Dispatch an old problem with a flick of your finger -- your day will perk right up.

You need to figure out how to swing from pole to pole to balance all your activities today -- hard as that may seem at first. Your energy is just right for keeping everyone as happy as can be.

Daily Overview for January 12

Listen up when your instincts send you a message. Your plans will fall into place.

Try not to get too worked up over your own projects today -- you need to make sure that your time is free when you get caught up in someone else's mad dream. It's fun, but it's also a big deal.

Daily Overview for January 12

With a good heart, you can say anything in an agreeable manner -- even a criticism.

Expect a string of happy moments that add up to something really neat today -- and it may presage something much bigger and sweeter coming. Your energy is pushing you in the right direction.