Capricorn December 22 - January 19
It's time to shift into a lower gear. Save your energy for when you really need it.
Now is the perfect time to review your plans and revisit any brainstorms you've had lately -- your thinking is unusually clear. For you, that could mean an almost robotic level of efficiency.
Aquarius January 20 - February 18
Make sure you've considered all angles. A decision may have surprising results.
An unexpected connection turns into something much more interesting today. Maybe you start to fall for someone at work or in an unusual context, or maybe you find an unusual shared interest with your mate.
Pisces February 19 - March 20
Don't make decisions you can't take back. It isn't worth it just to make a point.
Your creative solutions to difficult problems can be legendary, and today, you bust out with a new one. Others might take longer than usual to accept it -- or even to understand it!