You need to be very cautious with your money on this unfortunate day. Think before speaking too quickly and starting an argument with a family member. It might be best to spend most of the time alone. Be wary of accidents and try to do things that aren't too physical.
You should have an enjoyable time with friends today by being thoughtful and supportive. In your leisure time, you might want to work on creative projects or mentally challenging puzzles. With a calm and contented day, your health should be doing fine.
Your lucky number is 1. Most everything should go your way. Don't pass up any opportunities to get together with people because socializing is favored. A friend may need some comfort and you could be just the person to provide it. Romance is in the air. Wear something red or pink to set the tone and enjoy an evening with your love partner.
This is a bad day for doing anything with your investments or making major expenditures. There could be romantic problems if your partner tends toward anxiety and pessimism. At home, you may be forced to make a decision that you've been putting off.