Capricorn December 22 - January 19
You have been good long enough -- scratch your itch to be just a little bit bad!
Your good mental energy is just right for ensuring that you've got plenty of time for taking care of details. You can pretty much guarantee that you'll make a clean sweep of every last thing.
Aquarius January 20 - February 18
An old relative could turn you on to some hot new music today. Surprises abound.
Your past is haunting you, but not through your memories. You may hear from an ex or an old classmate who needs to check in about every little thing, but you're more interested in looking forward.
Pisces February 19 - March 20
Just because illusions aren't real does not mean they can't be powerful motivators.
Focus your energy on the practical yet creative side of life -- cooking, decorating and making life more pleasant in general You should find that your skills rise to almost any challenge.