Daily Overview for October 22, 2009
It will be rather difficult for you to refrain from making scenes with your mate. Balance out your diet and eliminate things like fast food for an immediate improvement in your well-being. Things will improve for you financially and good luck will visit you. Play at some game, for you'll probably win. Look out for an unexpected visit from someone you've missed.
Unforeseen events will compel you to view certain persons of your professional, amicable or family circles under a new light. You'll have the possibility to improve your material status through clever transactions and safe investments. Avoid trying to do two things at once, and beware of rumors and hearsay. You'll be rather moody and irritable today, so go fishing or otherwise take the day off.
You'll find in your home the haven of peace to which you aspire; your spouse will know how to create a climate of warmth and shared tenderness. You'll spend very pleasant moments with your family and you'll forget all your worries. The suspense should come to an end if you're still waiting for that special person in your life when you finally meet this rare bird.
Harmony will reign in couples, and those who recently clashed will patch things up and find a good terrain of understanding. Single people will have all chances to make a happy encounter. You'll be seized by a strong desire for change on the professional plane due to the fact that you'll have difficulty with authority and clash with it frontally. Don't neglect minor health problems.