Contrary to some ideas, you should not avoid certain kinds of food in an effort to lose weight. Eat rice, bread and pasta! You'll go ahead without hesitation; the obstacles won't frighten you, and you'll take up impressive challenges in the professional domain. However, you may have serious authority conflicts with your superiors. The stars will bring very good news to many natives of the sign: answer the telephone and look out for the mailman.
Good luck will be with you in the real estate sphere. On the contrary, you'll tend to spend your money without rhyme or reason if you don't exercise caution. You'll be more emotive than usual, you'll often react in an excessive or brusque manner to various events. There will be prospects of a renewal in your professional life; it will be important to act swiftly and audaciously.
Love affairs will be good, but you'll have difficulty making decisions when they become necessary, and this may cause numerous quarrels. Single people will have an agitated sentimental life. Professional concerns will arise on your horizons; jealousies between colleagues will be pronounced. Improve your diet and take advantage of this rather favorable astral climate.
It'll be a day very propitious to an impulsive decision; make a particular effort to make decisions only after mature reflection and not under the spell of inspiration. You'll clash with your close ones if they refuse to comply with your desires; try to water down your wine somewhat. You'll find in your mate quite unusual understanding and tenderness. You'll feel so satisfied that you'll recover all your joy of living and your taste for pleasure.