LIFE> Horoscopes
Daily Overview for October 06

Updated: 2009-10-06 00:51

Daily Overview for October 06Cancer June 22 - July 22 
Initiate a chat with a slightly intimidating person. They've got good stuff to say.

Try your best to take control today, even though that may be risky. Your good energy guarantees at worst a slick recovery, so you should find yourself emboldened to go for the gold.


Daily Overview for October 06

Leo July 23 - August 22
In this drama, there is simply no right or wrong. Everyone is trying their best.

Your attitude may not be perfectly on point, but it is helping you maintain your sanity while people seem to freak out and lose their minds around you. It's a great day for holding back with comments.


Daily Overview for October 06Virgo August 23 - September 22
Take a more relaxed look at life today. Save the soul searching for another time.

The depths of your soul are laid bare today -- in a good way, of course! Your great emotional energy helps you make the most of your time with your friends and family, and they are glad to have to around.

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