LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for October 04

Updated: 2009-10-04 16:32

Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for October 04


You'll much work to do, and many responsibilities to assume in your family. You won't have the last word with your mate, and it would be better to bury the hatchet. Single people will find the love of their lives in the course of a trip. Cope with your financial problems without delay before they become more serious. Consult your doctor right away about a health problem instead of treating it with disdain. Take a rest before feeling tired; eat a wholesome and balanced diet.


Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for October 04


You'll have a few reasons for dissatisfaction with your home life; try to keep a sense of perspective about things. In other words: don't dramatize the situation. Your love affairs will be tense, probably because you expect too much from them. Careerwise, it's possible that you'll find a new impetus. Take stock of your health and don't treat certain ills with contempt.

Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for October 04

Don't make big promises in such moments of amorous euphoria. Be very cautious in your spendings, especially if you have to take out a loan in order to purchase a big item. Make good resolutions for your future. You'll have chances to bring a project to a successful conclusion in a particularly warm and stimulating climate.


Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for October 04Goat

Avoid deficiencies in your diet by making sure you get the required amounts of minerals, vitamins and fiber. Your professional projects will have great chances for success in the best of conditions. Don't insult fate; convince yourself that each person is the architect of their destiny. Your affective life will be highlighted and you'll receive many testimonies of sympathy. It's true that those like you who give priority to the heart can be richly rewarded.

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