LIFE> Horoscopes
Daily Overview for September 10

Updated: 2009-09-10 10:03

Daily Overview for September 10

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

All facets of your life are in the right place now, so enjoy this place you're in.

Your mental energy is perfect for deep thinking today -- but you need to be ready for action, too! Stay as alert as you can for new opportunities while you ponder what has to come next.

Daily Overview for September 10Aquarius January 20 - February 18
Reconnecting with an old friend today will remind you of how much you've grown.

You should find that your ability to really connect with people -- especially your mate or your new crush -- is stronger than ever before, and you should go out and try to make the most of it right away!


Daily Overview for September 10Pisces February 19 - March 20
Find something that symbolizes your feelings for someone and give it to them today.

You stumble upon someone's scribbled note or unsent email that speaks to a part of you that you hadn't realized was still listening. It may intensify your romance or lead to something entirely new.


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