LIFE> Odds and Ends
Dissatisfied customer locked in shop for hours
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-08-08 16:30

Staff of an unprofessional cosmetic surgery center in Changchun, Jilin province, locked a dissatisfied customer in the shop for over four hours before she called the police for help.

The woman had gone to the shop to argue, yet again, with the owner for compensation on her breast-enlargement procedure gone wrong. After the procedure three years ago, one of her breasts became bigger than the other.

Even though the shop refunded the entire amount it charged the woman for the surgery, she wanted more to rectify her breasts in a proper hospital.

When she came to the shop last Sunday, the staff, which was about to go off duty, locked her in and walked away.

She called the police for help four hours later. They had to break a window to let her out.

(New Culture View)