This would be a good time to start house repairs or home improvements you've been putting off. The Fire element will give you the determination to start such tasks. You could have a tendency to be a little harsh with family members, so try and be a little more sensitive.
It may not be best day to share personal secrets with friends as they could end up on the local gossip network for all to hear. Love is favored, so play your cards right and the night could be filled with a special kind of passion.
You'll probably need to take the initiative and be decisive to have success in your social life; otherwise, things could go badly for you. Take the time to enjoy your personal hobbies; you might even make a new friend. Be cautious in your love life, as you may find a myriad temptations that could lead you astray.
If you're feeling moody and depressed, be sure to take a break to relax, walk outside, or meditate. Things could get a little overblown and exaggerated, but let them roll away like water rolling off a duck's back. Take the high road instead of being sucked into an argument.