LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for July 08

Updated: 2009-07-08 10:57

Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for July 08Daily Overview  for July  08, 2009


Today, you may have the courage to take that adventurous trip that you've been considering or at least start your plan in motion. Whatever you do, be sure to ask advice of friends. Do something fun to put the day's turbulence to rest. Consider yoga to help combat negative emotions and anxieties and to improve your overall health.


Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for July 08


There may be too many intense social interactions to suit your introverted side. At home, your family members might be asserting their independence and pushing your buttons. You'll have to be extra patient and flexible and be able to control your moodiness. Perhaps, an impromptu project like baking a cake or planting some flowers will help you release anxiety.


Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for July 08Tiger

You may have quite a tumultuous social life -- arguments with friends, disobedience from your children, and impatience from your lover. You'll probably need all the understanding that you can muster. Utilize the energy of the day and bury yourself in a home improvement project..


Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for July 08


Take today to do that major art or home improvement project that you've been itching to tackle. It should be easy to get help from others if you need it. Treat your helpers to dinner to thank them for their efforts. Have that meal outside so you can get some fresh air and get the color back in your cheeks.


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