Your job could be marred by conflicts with co-workers. Avoid confrontations by sticking to your routine and keeping a low profile. It's a good time to buy insurance, especially if you're engaging in high-risk investments or activities. By hedging your bets, you can reduce your exposure to volatility in the market.
You may be assigned extra tasks or projects at work, but look at it as an opportunity for advancement and not as a chore. Your financial investments could be reaching it's peak, so it might be a good time for diversification or profit taking. Spend some time tending to your plants or garden.
Excellence could be a word you hear at work today describing your overall performance. Try not to let the praise swell your head and cause tensions with coworkers. Remind yourself that love can be easy come and easy go. Don't spend so much effort trying to find the perfect partner; just let it happen.
Proofread your e-mail and double check your memos carefully at work today before sending them out as miscommunications are likely to occur. You could find yourself in a dangerous financial situation. Go over your bank and credit card statements carefully.