LIFE> Horoscopes
Daily Overview for April 29

Updated: 2009-04-29 09:17

Daily Overview for April 29

Aries March 21 - April 19
Recent family problems are finally getting solved today. Let bygones be bygones.

Those older than you are making more sense than usual -- even if you don't really want to hear it! Try to keep an open mind, tough as it may be and you should pick up some good advice.


Daily Overview for April 29Taurus April 20 - May 20
You are in a very secure position. If things don't go well, you will not get blamed.

It's vital that you say what's in your heart right now -- there is far more going on than you can imagine and those closest to you need to hear you as you work it out with them. It's good for everyone!


Daily Overview for April 29Gemini May 21 - June 21     
Ditch your enemies and devote your time to getting closer to the people you love.

If you get started on a new project today, you are almost guaranteed to enjoy the results -- even if they aren't what you're expecting. Go into it with an open mind and see where it leads you.

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