You may be presented with a very good investment opportunity. If not, focus on increasing your savings. You're likely to be in very good shape at this time, so keep up the good work. With this increased confidence, you may experience moments of heart-pounding romance with more fireworks than an Independence Day celebration.
Any long-standing relationship problems should be tackled head on; running away will only exacerbate the situation. If you've recently had a serious accident or injury, there'll be excellent progress in your recovery. Watch in who you confide in, as your confidences may be betrayed.
Watch your expenses, as your spending may be getting out of hand. Do your best to avoid Rat people unless you want to court misfortune today. There may be frustrating delays at work. Watch your health especially those of you who over-indulged yesterday. Love may cause you problems if you're in relationship.
Rid yourself of any negative thoughts and let positive energy flow into your mind. Focus on creative projects and rid yourself of any bad habits. Today will be a good day to quit smoking or start a diet and exercise program. At home, there will be an improvement in domestic relations between family members.