LIFE> Horoscopes
Daily Overview for April 22

Updated: 2009-04-22 10:26

Daily Overview for April 22

Aries March 21 - April 19
You'd rather spend today exploring fun things. You need to take care of work first.

You're feeling pretty sweet right now -- and you need to assert yourself! It's one of those days when you're at your best muscling to the front of a crowd or trying out the next new hot thing.


Daily Overview for April 22Taurus April 20 - May 20
Spend time thinking about how you come across verbally. Improve your vocabulary.

You aren't interested in the hustle and bustle today -- you would much rather do your own thing in your own way. It's one of those days when you really need to make sure that you're not distributed.


Daily Overview for April 22Gemini May 21 - June 21     
You can't control others with your hopes and wishes. Just accept their answer.

There is almost certainly a leadership gap at work or at home today and you need to step up to address it, if not to fill it. Say something soon and you should get the group to see its needs.


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