Cancer June 22 - July 22
If any financial matters look too good to be true today, you had better look again!
You're not feeling all that great about work or school today and that could mean that you're in serious need of a mental reboot! You've got some sweet energy coming that can help you out.
Leo July 23 - August 22
Keep digging and you'll uncover something beautiful beneath someone's icy surface.
Pay careful attention to your hunches today -- they may not all be golden, but the ones that feel closest to right are the ones you need to jump on quickly! Things may start to move very quickly in a few days.
Virgo August 23 - September 22
When someone says something that confuses you today, listen to them all the more.
Take a good look at your plans -- at least one of them needs some serious revision! It may not be the worst thing on the world, but you hate to have to deal with unintended consequences.